Steph is a Senior Communications Specialist for an organization in the Bay Area, the podcast host of her own show, The Feedback Code and a dedicated dog mom to Max.🐾Steph has been a part of our community for over a year and she loves living in The Bridge District. 😍”I love this community! Max and I can walk around the neighborhood and say “hi” to neighbors that have become true friends and family.
The neighbors in this community really do love their neighbors as themselves.” In her free time Steph enjoys cooking, wine tasting, and going on spontaneous adventures throughout NorCal. She has even found creative ways to modify this throughout the pandemic! Steph loves all things communications marketing and has used her extra time during this season to launched her podcast, The Feedback Code.
Steph launched this podcast because she believes that taking the time to listen to new perspectives can shift the way you approach different conversations in your life. Listen here: Spotify, ApplePodcasts, Stitcher, Alexa
P.S. for the dog parents out there: Steph learned that if you take a muffin pan with small treats and hide the treats under tennis balls in the pan, that you can help your pup survive quarantine boredom! @Max.theminidood loves it! 🐾